VARSITY LETTER REQUIREMENTS are below. Earn points for the below throughout the year. A form will be given out in April to apply for your Varsity letter which will be awarded at our Band Banquet in May.
Freshman/Sophomore 5 Points Cumulative
Junior/Senior 6 Points Cumulative
I or II rating at District Solo/Ensemble
I or II rating for State Solo/Ensemble
Drum Major/Section Leader/1st Chair
Varsity Band: I or II rating (Automatic “Chevron” each year)
I or II rating at Concert or Jazz Band Festival
Jazz Band (Class or After-school at least once during the year)
Summer Band Program (Interlochen, Blue Lake, Wayne State, etc.)
Football Pep Band
Private Lessons for at least 1 Semester or more
Any Civic Jazz/Band/Orchestra Ensembles
Any Honors Bands: Warren Concert Band/MSBOA Honors Band/Jazz All Stars
Small Group performing ensembles for Concerts (Pasta Fest/Jazz Night/Craft Show etc.)
Color/Winter Guard